How You Can Develop your Googling Skill How You Can Develop your Googling Skill
"Are you good at searching Google?" Most people would consider that a dumb question these days. Therefore, let's rephrase it, "Do you search Google like a pro?"
Searching for specific information can be overwhelming. It can sometimes be difficult finding a needle in a haystack. Although finding general information is usually straightforward, searching for specific information can be overwhelming. It is likely you are familiar with the polite google user, Nan, who adds "thank you" and "please" to every google search.
Google even praises 86-year-old for polite web searches.
In an increasingly fast-paced world, everything ought to be done efficiently, and Google Search is no exception. Several tricks and tips are hidden in Google search. Learning these tricks will help you become an expert at Google search and you will be able to narrow down your search by using advanced Google operators.
The following tricks and techniques can help you find the right results faster.
Google Operators
“ ” (quotes) By using quotes, you can find the exact search query you are looking for. E.g. - “Covid - 19“ will give you these results.
ORIt allows you to search for relevant results between any two phrases you enter for. E.g - Python OR Ruby Gives a result similar to this.
(-) minus operator: In some cases, certain words don't work for the type of data you're looking for. If there's a particular word that you don't need to include in your search, you can use the minus sign (-) in front of it to identify it. E.g. - Best programming language -JAVA gives results like this
(...) Range operator: When you are searching, you can use '...' to search within a time frame. For example, if you are searching for articles pertaining to E-commerce 2000-2021. E.g. - E-commerce 2000...2021 would result like this
( * ) keyword to replace missing words.
Do you want to search for something, but you forgot some words? Don't worry. Just use * to replace the word you forgot. For example, if you wanted to search for covid19, but you only remembered *19*, you could use * * 19* to find the relevant results.
Use the define: keyword to find out the definition of a word. To find out what a blog is, type it into the search box. `Define: Blogging` All articles with the blog definition in them will be returned.
Use Site: Using Google, you can find a particular website or content. For example, to find a Ruby on Rails blog, you can search for "ruby on rails site:"
Search Tools
Google Advanced search
You can refine your search results as much as possible by using advanced search within Google in addition to the operators listed above.
Google image search
For anyone who wants to find out more about an image or just how it was created, Google image search has got you covered as well.
Filter results based on time.
You can use the tools section of Google search to filter your results according to time if you need results for a specific time period.
Google open source
IT professionals and developers looking for open-source projects can use Google Open Source to find popular projects with code.
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