React 18 is About to Launch! Important features you need to know about.
The latest version of React has been announced to be launched shortly & published a React 18 Alpha version. React has prioritized gradual adoption in this new update; you can upgrade to React 18 with minimal or no changes to your code. This version of React includes new features, including batching, APIs, and a Streaming Server renderer. Working groups are also available in React 18.
Why should you choose to React?
React.js is the top open-source javascript development platform for building front-ends, especially SPAs. Developers can create applications with a user interface that takes into account future requirements by using it.
What is the React 18 Working Group?
The React 18 Working Group is built to prepare the ecosystem to integrate React 18 with existing applications and libraries. This will be the first Working Group (WG) of its kind to incorporate the local ecosystem and region. Working Groups are hosted on Github discussions can be read by anyone.
No specific date has been scheduled for React 18, but it will take several months before most production applications are ready for use with React 18. Previous issues will be resolved by the new features of React 18 Alpha.
You can install the React18-alpha version from click here.
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