Rails 7: What's New in Rails 7 And How Will It Change Your Application?
Ruby on Rails fans is eagerly awaiting Rails 7, which comes with numerous new features and updates. A new feature of Rails 7 is Hotwire, which can be used to build dynamic, modern web applications without writing any JavaScript. As part of the latest update, ActiveRecord, ActiveJob, ActiveStorage, and ActiveRecord, etc will be updated.
A quick overview of the features you will likely need when working with Rails 7 is presented below.
Merged: Instead of requiring the whole JavaScript toolchain, Rails should
default to using Webpack. A mapped Hotwire import will allow us to easily move from Hotwire to Webpack if needed. For those who know the full JS chain would be needed (such as when using React), the webpack option will still be available.
Retry jobs indefinitely from Rails 7:- Retrying jobs indefinitely from Rails 7:- With Active Jobs, you can declare and run asynchronous jobs on queue backends asynchronously. These jobs may fail because of incorrect logic, database errors, network outages, or queue malfunction. Bypassing the: unlimited option to a background job, developers can specify an indefinite runtime for a background job in Rails 7. These features are ideal for developers who are sure they will resolve job failure in the future.
PreviewError:- A wide range of storage and media management tools are available through the ActiveStorage platform. Its key feature is preview generation. A Poppler file created when previews cannot be generated creates 0 bytes. When performing any action on these files, including resizing, they may display an array of unpredictable errors. By default, Rails 7 raises the PreviewError exception when a previewer child process exits with a status code of non-0. By doing this, the developer can anticipate preview errors at the source, rather than being surprised afterward.
ActiveRecord:- There are 63 modules in the inheritance tree of ActiveRecord::Base.logger. Ruby's latest release does not benefit from Ruby's improved performance because it is implemented as a mattr_accessor rather than a class variable. It's almost 7 times faster with class_attribute :logger! This is a great example of how Rails applications can be improved in the real world.
Despite being one of the most talked-about features of Rails 7, Hotwire stands out as the most important feature of the new release, as it has gained attention in both the Rails community as well as programming communities outside of Rails. DHH, the creator of Ruby on Rails, founder of Basecamp, tweeted a full Alpha Preview video of Rails 7 on 16 August 2021. The new version has several enhancements over previous versions, such as those described above. For more information, go to the Rails 7 Release notes and Changelog.
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