Thinking Sphinx on Ruby on Rails Application with Spree.
one of the easiest ways to connect your rails app with sphinx. It is used to connect your Active Record with Sphinx search and it is easy to use and fast to install. Install Sphinx: Add this to Gemfile.gem 'mysql2', '~> 0.5.2' gem 'thinking-sphinx' Run bundle command: bundle install For passing the indexing parameter, create ‘app/indices/modelname_index.rb’ Let’s do this with Spree Search. Here we are taking the example of the Product Model of Spree, Follow these steps: Create an index file in ‘app/indices/product_index.rb, add the indexing parameters. ` thinkingSphinx::Index.define 'spree/product', :with => :real_time do indexes name, :sortable => true end 2. Run the command to index and start the Sphinx: rake ts:stop rake ts:index rake ts:start rake ts:rebuild (stops, re-index, and start) 3. Let’s search for Productspay-as-you-go with Sphinx: # To query a product model q = 'Search Product Name' products =